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Sunday, July 30, 2006

Mr. Popular

Hey every(one) how are we today? I believe that I am well rested. I have been out looling pretty much many nights in a row, and have been crashing around 3 every morning. I bunked down around 3:45 this morning, so I decided to sleep in. It is now 1:45, and I just got up, after some well needed and oftentimes disturbed sleep. I must have recieved like 6 phone calls this morning.
Went to some girls birthday party last night, but we were late. It took like 40 minutes to exctract Dave from his house. Party was pretty lolling, and I got some cake. Fairly sweet sheesha-ing, many new smokers. Had a mint bowl, then a double apple bowl. I blew some sweet smoke rings. Adam accidently knocked the bowl off the top of the sheesha pipe, leaving a nice little square charcoal burn on the carpet, effectively ending the sheesha session. After that people bunked down, and me nd Kevin were left to wait for Dave to finish up with Diana or whatever her name was. Bro's BEFORE Ho's. Naughty Dave. haha, all in all, a very looling party. The birthday girl ended up vomiting repeatedly and going to bed, however.
Rosie(rosy) is looking very nice however. Dave is painting her a pinkish tone. Im doubting she'll be ready for jamming on monday, but I am quite psyched for it. Me and David had a sweet jam the other day, and if he wants to two-beer it, it might be very sweet. Sheesha would also be very nice addition to the jam. I am guessing I'll be using his drummers kit, which is at his house, because that is looking like the Jam location for monday.
I am kind of hungry, but I dont know what to eat. I'm diggin some McD food, but that is far away. (:( ) hmm... maybe some perogies. well, we'll see. Anyways...


- Foo Dobbins.

PS: it's happenning again///>/>?>/>>.?>/._--_/././/??>./..>

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