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Monday, August 14, 2006

Graaaaa 0wn3dd//.

So yeah, I got 0wn3d today. I got a $368 ticket :( for 'drive without due care & attention' as in, spinning my tires a little bit on some gravel. Noooo Goooood.

so I got nailed with 144 (1) (a)...

Careless driving prohibited
144 (1) A person must not drive a motor vehicle on a highway

(a) without due care and attention,

(b) without reasonable consideration for other persons using the highway, or

(c) at a speed that is excessive relative to the road, traffic, visibility or weather conditions.

(2) A person who contravenes subsection (1) (a) or (b) is liable on conviction to a fine of not less than $100 and, subject to this minimum fine, section 4 of the Offence Act applies.

... but I was in a parking lot, pulling out of my space. (with a little too much gas)

anyways, thats like half my paycheque gone. Maybe I wont be out of debt on thursday... oh well I'm working a 13 day stretch, and if I pick up a shift on sunday evening, I might be able to go for more. Soon enough I'll be good.

Looking at cars, found a 1987 Toyota Supra for sale for 2000 in the Parksville/Qualicum area. Couple of needed repairs but looks yummy.

I want more money.

foo out.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006


I guess I am over Kate now?
I ... Guess?
I guess im moving on now.
I hadn't kissed a girl other for so long.
Well. I'll be able to look back and understand one day.