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Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Hey Skwarczynskys

Hows it going guys, Im pretty sure you're the only ones reading.

lsyr - o jsbr grr;omhd gpt upi dyo;;/ sy ;rsdy o yjoml/ o ,rsm. upi str pm ,u ,omf s ,skptoyu pg yjr yo,r/ O grr; dp/// dp/// dp,ryjomh snpiy upi/ o esmy upi yp nr ,omr dp nsf/ o eodj upi ;pbrf ,r/ upi jsbr nrrm yjr nohhrdy omg;irmvr om ,u ;ogr/ o jsyr oy dp ,ivj yp drr upi eoyj pyjrt hiud. yjsyd eju o wioy vp,np ;sdy urst/

I could write so much more, but it'd take forever, and I could write pages on one quarter... fifth... quarter.

Haha understand that.


Friday, September 22, 2006


Bam! Censored. Information is now being withheld. For the judgement shall be passed. Thy offspring and mine own self doth lend ourselves to the same social groups and passtimes. Oftentimes a passtime group has been formed, and under it all, I lay buried.
Though I once thought of thee wise council in common times. Ofttimes now I think only in doubt and --- cut. I done.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006


I am lazyyyy.
School turfed my physics class, so I have a spare now :D
I only get English and rarely Comp Rel homework, and I'm so lazy and unmotivated that I still am not doing my homework. Agh! Must do workk.

Anyways, payday tomorrow, and its going to be small ;( I need moneyssss.
I want to chip in for Allyn's repairs and get that behind me, and I need to buy Gas, and other 100 ish dollar purchases. I also want to buy food, and assorted toys.

I think I will be doing some clothes buying, hopefully Kate will be my advisor.
I think Bran is taking a stand, or at least a lean towards good. Lol, I'm a tool.

If I find some pot to smoke tomorrow, I will have my new record of 2 weeks straight, lol.
If anything malign, it makes you fucking lazy.

Anyways. Meow

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

School's Back

My last days of Summer were pretty good. I had a week at qwanoes, Then spent the last days of freedom hanging out like a madman. Bought a new bong, Named Bob-Terry.

My first day of school was fairly good, I only had to be there for a half-hour today so I slept in, had breakfast with kate, went, blazed right after, drove down to long lake, blazed again, went to mcdonalds with katelynne, chilled with her, dropped her off for work, went to cams, blazed again, blazed again, drove around, blazed again, drove to mcdonalds then went to his house and smoked some hookah.

Lol, schooooooool is back. I havent been assigned a locker yet, and thats fine, because I have nothing to fill it with. I have no set up my binder and paper and whatnot. My classes this year are Jazz, Comparative Religions, English 12 and Physics 12 I think. (I think)
Anyways, Me and Arielle broke up. Dont even know why I dated her.

Sleepies and Burntness. Im done blogging for tonight.