Your Kingdom Come Conference is on at CFC this week, since friday until tuesday.
I got to listen to Graham Powell on friday night, but I ended up skipping out on saturday night. I should have gone. I dont like alcohol. I dont like Demonic stuff. I had some sort of demonic thing going on saturday evening. I had 'noticed' it before, just the semi-demonic influences and temptaions on my decisions. Also I found immense amounts of anger inside of me, and I could just slip into volatile moods without reason, and sometimes with. On saturday night, I was so angry I was seriously considering driving over to someones house and taking a tire iron to them.
I was shaking violently, I was freaked out. I called up my youth pastor (Big Rob!) to pray and we talked a bit. After that though, I ended up talking to the cause of my anger and it got really bad. I was shaking like crazy and so desperate for God to help me! I did not want -- well did want-- to go and do something stupid. But I awas/am still trying to 'get back' with God. ( I dont even know what I mean ).
I ended up having a pray/run around the block and crashing. Dreamed about marijuana plants that grew really tall. ( I cant help what I dream about )
Anyways, Graham Powell spoke at church this morning, but I was busy helping with the Youth Fundraiser. Got home and slept all day until Mike came and picked me up for some more Conference-age. Natasja (sp?) Vermak (sp?) is now speaking and she was pretty cool. She prayed for people tonight and slayed them left right and centre. Hardcore.
I am hopefully going up again tomorrow morning, and returning in time for work (5-12)
I am not necessarily longing to be at the conference, just for breakthrough. Hopefully the conference will remind me of some stuff.
Really, thats all they can do. A conference cant really bring anything new, because all we need is provided by God. But they sure can remind us, and give us techniques and new viewpoints. I was listening to a Rob Bell sermon tonight, and I really liked it. I kind of felt.... Optimistic. The Kingdom SHALL come.
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