So, here's the deal; I use this blog kind of as an out-with-it outlet. You know this is about me, so any information you pick up here really shouldn't apply anywhere else.
On to the out-with-it...
GIRLS, or girl, should I say, driving me crazy. Yes I love her, yes I want her back, yes I want what she wants. Umm contradiction right there? Well, I cant continue on like I am with her. It doesn't feel right to be like that with someone outside of a relationship. I am perpetually confused because I am never sure what she wants, or what she's thinking. I think that she is conflicting with herself over Me/Freedom, but when I read her blog, it looks like I'm not going to win. This can't continue on, it is only setting me up to get destroyed... So, I told her, TOLD HER, I was going to ask her out on new years, and that I wanted her to weigh either side of the argument, and think on what she was going to say. Seems weird, but I didn't want to just spring the question on her again, because she might just rush into a yes, leading to it falling apart once again.
Why can't stuff just go perfectly? .... dumb question.
Anywho... Poker game saturday! So far only Kate, Jo, and Me.... No good. I'll see if Cam can come, maybe Trailey or someone. Sunday is going to rock. I hope that I can somehow comfortably step out of my comfort zone; I know I can't, but I'm still going to get myself so psyched about it.
so yeah, I'm out of stuff to write about.
- Colin
1 comment:
Hang in there.. love is risky
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