Searches this blog, and pages I've linked to.

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Work Experience* II

Woot! Work experience is over! Two weeks in a sheet metal shop, it was great... But now, my life is totally lamebot. I have to spend the rest of the summer in a sheet metal shop, but now I get paid for it... GOD! how lame!

(that was sarcasm! w00t!)

Anywho, same hours as the work experience, except I'm now making minimum wage! lessee.... $8 an hour, 8 hours a day, 5 days a week = $320.00 a week! That doesn't seem right. But it would rock!

This blog is a tad bit disjointed, but meh!


But, also, two hours later after the KEVIN pickup, I have to be at a restorative justice meeting.... blah!
Picking up Kate from McDick's in about 40 minutes!...

I'm out of stuff to write about right now, but there soon will be more...

Hold fast, my army of invisibles, for soon there will be reinforcements.

- Peace,
Workin' Man!

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Posty post!

Heyya Y'all!
My blogsurfing actually got me a reader!!! w00t! Her name is Eri!
Hi Eri!!!!

Anywho, Foo is sitting around, not doing much, just blogging and talking to that 'Alexis' Girl... lol! It is summer! This isn't a bummer. If I drove a hummer, I wouldn't be dumber! Ok, so, I have nothing to post about, so here are some random pictures!

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- Foo

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Work Experience*

Howdy Ho, my readers few!

I had a decent day at le workage today... I was on site all day, at the Eddie Bauer project. I got to the shop around 7:20 ish, then Wayne drove Foo & le trailer out to woodgrove... someguy(I can't remember his name) and I unloaded hundreds of feet worth of pipe through the mall via the access hallways. Spent most of the day insulating pipe and elbows, as well as operating the Genie lift and, as expected, a little cleaning and tidying!
After work I was walking to Shane's --in the rain. When I was crossing the dangerous blacktop desert of Save-On, I spotted the rare 'Katelynne's Mum's Mini-van' a.k.a. Vinnie. This is a very rare spotting, considering there is only one of this species with these particular markings. I then snuck around Save-On and pounced on Katelynne, therefore suprising her, and her accompanying family members!
When I arrived at Shaney's I changed into dry clothes, and we made cookies and watched T.V. untill I came home around 9:45 ish... I was supposed to be in bed 15 minutes after that... oh well.
Anywho, now I'm just blogging away, and talking to Kevineo!

- Foo

* caution: may result in a summer job.

Sunday, July 03, 2005

US = anti blog?

I was googling at random and found this little story. I havent checked it out thouroughly, I'll leave that up to you... but hey, Go Canada!

- Foo.

Ach! Fuckers...

who the hell's idea was it to start all those god damned spam blogs?!!?? I hope the asshole(s) learn to play 'jump in front of a bullet-train'. I mean, the assholes are just filling up Blogger's space, with a bunch of random letters, then a few words that will attract a search engines attention!!! When I say 'ach! Fuckers...' It means im pretty disgusted by their actions. I dont normally adopt a scottish accent when I'm typing... I must be pissed off.
Im out there blog-surfing, and every second blog that comes up is a shit-blog (meaning the ones with 8,000 entries of bull (posting every 10 or 11 minutes out of a fucking random word generator... FUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCK SHUT THE FUCK UP AND DIE!!!!!! Anywho, onto other things.

Pop-ups. Die. Popup-loops Die a painful death. People that design them (or put them on their website) : Less than human. Go die, or eat shit, or whatever you scumsuckers do in your spare time.... By spare time I mean when you aren't out there trying to fuck up anything nice for anyone else. I hope someone drives a barbed nail through your testicles and hangs a brick off them. Go fucking Die and quit ruining things.

by the way, theres another post below this, that is also current.

- Foo

14 months, 6 minutes !! :)

Good morning, if you will. It is still the evening, by my taking, but if you must be precise it is the morning. It is now officially 14 months of Me & Kate! Hooray for us! I just a few minutes ago got back from 'Bewitched' --Katelynne and I went and saw it. It is a decent movie, with a few very funny scenes.

Last blog, I went blog surfing, searching for new readers, (thanks to KJ's tip) I only ended up commenting on 2 blogs, but that is ok, no? I will continue this surfage for the next couple times, or untill I lose interest (whichever comes first)

uhh... I dont really have much to blog about, but here is my first Bloggual quote of the blog:
Life is good to those who learn to appreciate it all.
so yeah. Im going to fiddle around with some blog stuff now and maybe change the BG music or something...

So, my readers few, I must bid thee adieu, but think it not, that I find it too hot, to be blogging 'round the likes of you.
