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Friday, March 11, 2005

Whoah! update...

MY APOLOGIES to you, whoever has wasted their time looking for new entries for the past week or two. I have become a lazy bastard and I dont have a computer to inspire me. Right now I am sitting in the school library! woohoo!
Lol, thats a picture of me, drawn by Picaso himself... (me)

ANYWHO!!! This foo here, (points at self) is going to a movie with Katelynne tonight!, but he doesnt know which, which is why he is putting link to go nanaimo right ==>LINK!!!<==here.

Also, after school, I am playing ball tag with Ryan,Allyn,Jordan,Cam,Jesse,and Myself...

Anywho, this is the end of m boring blog of the day(week)... I bid thee adieu, my invisible army!


K said...

ball tag? lol

Tell us about the whole Idaho dealio. grrr

VivaLaPinto said...

how refreshing! I miss le foodle. we hang out soon, and I hide from blog controversy which is getting tres tiresome.

K said...

Ah, blog controversy... so what IS the word on your good ole' blog, alleah? Are you going to keep going with it, or have you had enough? I miss the good old days of ridiiiiiiiiiiculously long posts. You can also consider my favourite format which is people just send email & not comment.

rock on

PS foo, idaho... gar... *fistshake*

K said...

my url should be
rather than
