GAR! *sniff* I am officially allergic to dogs... Spent the night at Cam's house last night, slept with Rascal on the couch, after watching some good ol' Monty Python, (search for the holy grail) and playing Halo 2 for a few hours. I woke up with a terrible headache, itchy eyes, runny nose ( Which I still have) and a bit of trouble breathing. Played Halo 2 all day untill Paddy&Jessi came home, soon followed by revo and Catherine. Cam and I then walked the dogs, and saw a Heron in the ravine on the way back. I then walked home, and crashed. Moous bugged me for a bit, then figured out I was not in the best mood, and left me alone. I napped for an hour, then came to berwick, ate and whatnot, played snooker (quite badly) and came upstairs to blog.
Provincials in 2 weeks or less. I have 3-4 homework assignments for SS due tomorrow, and I havent even looked at them yet, though I assume they will be the tiresome, repetetive kind that require no thinking, but lots of work. Blech! Anywho, I'm going to try to figure out some bloggish things, so, I bid thee Adieu.
lol allergies
My last family has a guy that smokes & a cat. Especially after Rotary specifically told me I should go here because not many people smoke (they were actually lying but that's beside the point).
Rock on
my family has a woman who smokes and a cat! Would it be bad, if I told you to come, here, Kevin? (also, I noticed you followed your brothers example with the URL of your site, Foodle!)
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