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Saturday, December 25, 2004

Christmas Eve/Morning!!!

Tonight was quite a bit of fun! The 'rents organized a 27 person party for tonight (last night). Two people did not show up, I believe it was Bob & Gale's kids, so I invited Cam, making the turnout about 26. Cam and I helped set up all day, then greeted guests until about 30 minutes in (8:00pm). We then went to my room, ate chocolate, and played Star Wars Battlefront for a few hours, pausing occasionally to eat/drink. At around 11:00pm Cam went home - Wuss - and Jenna and I wrestled lots! I won every bout.
I am currently talking to Kevin and Jenna over MSN Messenger, and not 20 seconds ago I gave the address to this blog, which is, incase you haven't got it,
--A great big Merry Christmas to KEVIN (and Jenna) for being my first readers!--
I still have to wrap my presents for Moo + G, so I guess I get to play Santa this year! w00t! Anywho, I've run out of things to write, so I think I'll get around to wrapping/placing those prezzies! Good Morning & MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!

1 comment:

K said...

merry Xmas, F-spot.