Searches this blog, and pages I've linked to.

Sunday, December 26, 2004

These are those neat little Cultimo toys i got for christmas, Endless fun
Posted by Hello

Beef Jerkey and Video Games

Good Morning ( its 4:16, if you would classify that as morning)
I have had quite the awesome day! I woke up and clothed myself at about 12:30pm and upended my stocking, which was full of edibles (yum!) I then woke the rents and was told that I was to make tea before they would even consider getting up. I did as such. We started with Granteo opening a present from me, followed by lots of gift-getting/giving. Moous got a Palm-Pilot, courtesy of G-spot, a Book, North of Nowhere South of Loss, from me, as well as a package of Coffee-Scotch-Candies that came in a package much resembling a cigarette pack. Granty got a box of Chocolates, A carved paperweight-Dragon, a coffee Mug, and some Riesen candies. The Foo, me, got red, blue and yellow coloured duct tape, as well as a normal roll, Ejay Club-something (ps2) GTA San Andreas (ps2) a BIG bag of Oberto Beef Jerkey, the new David Eddings book, a knitted toque, Some neat little magnet toys (VERY neat) I will include a picture, if Hello BloggerBot works. --- Kevin, how are you posting your pictures? ---


Its posted after, now what I understand Bloggerbot ( its neato!!!)

Anywho, I have been Playing GTA since I got home from UB's and it = roxxors. Im not very far into the game yet, as I prefer fucking around to actually doing the missions! Oh well! I will soon be going back up to play some more...will I actually sleep tonight!? Yes No Maybe....
Moous is right behind me, reading the book I got her, I hope she enjoys it. ANYWHO!!! GOOD NIGHT MY IMAGINARY ARMY OF READERS, I'm off to try to fix the picture thing, then play more San Andreas.

Saturday, December 25, 2004

Christmas Eve/Morning!!!

Tonight was quite a bit of fun! The 'rents organized a 27 person party for tonight (last night). Two people did not show up, I believe it was Bob & Gale's kids, so I invited Cam, making the turnout about 26. Cam and I helped set up all day, then greeted guests until about 30 minutes in (8:00pm). We then went to my room, ate chocolate, and played Star Wars Battlefront for a few hours, pausing occasionally to eat/drink. At around 11:00pm Cam went home - Wuss - and Jenna and I wrestled lots! I won every bout.
I am currently talking to Kevin and Jenna over MSN Messenger, and not 20 seconds ago I gave the address to this blog, which is, incase you haven't got it,
--A great big Merry Christmas to KEVIN (and Jenna) for being my first readers!--
I still have to wrap my presents for Moo + G, so I guess I get to play Santa this year! w00t! Anywho, I've run out of things to write, so I think I'll get around to wrapping/placing those prezzies! Good Morning & MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!

Tuesday, December 21, 2004

I have a BLOG! (Hooray)

Hello, Hello!
I am deeply regretful to inform you that I, Foo Dobbins, a.k.a. Colin Dobson, now have a blog... I know what you're thinking, that this is just another Fizzle, or its like that one alleah kept posting in, but this is the real deal -AND- its written by me!
This is quite risky, because I am on the computer and the rents may come home any second, so I will keep this short. I have been reading Kevin's blog, and as soon as I figure out how (Later) I will link to his and many other blogs.
I am sitting in the same room as what I believe to be the X-Mas Prezzies, but if I check, I will know what they are!!! *gar* I hope I get a cell phone (fat chance), but hope is hope. My christmas wish-list... a cell phone, money, Ps2 games, Dvds / Movies, and for spammers to stop sending me emails about cialis or c*ia* l(i:s:t or whatever else they call it. What is with that anyways? Is it a new drug? or an offer to hack CIA lists or something? If you know feel free to post, my imaginary readers!
Anywho, I wish to write more, but if the rents show up, I'm toast. Good Evening, Readers!