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Thursday, July 19, 2012

I am curious as to the contents of the lost blog...


I exist.

I do not like my avenues for meeting people.

I am short-sighted, with tunnel-vision,(metaphorically) and a no-can-do attitude.
^this is probably why I don't meet people.

I meet people:
at work,
through friends (while blazing),
not often,
that's about it.

My blog posts are usually depressing.  I wouldn't read this shit, except it is written by my own flesh and blood; my own self.  Fuck me.

I need a mirror by my bed,  so every morning when I wake up, I can look myself in the face and say, "Fuck YOU!".


I am re-reading all my blog entries. I am at November 2006 currently.
I used to get really baked, apparently.

I just read all of them... 

I don't think I really learned much.  Except, perhaps, that I can forget things pretty hard, to the point of puzzlement at some of the references I had made.

My clickity clacking keyboard is probably disturbing the slumber of my roommates.

I guess I shall stop now,
although I do not feel drawn to my bed.

I think I'd like a hug right now.

I hope I go and give my mother a hug tomorrow(today)((later))

I hate,
I smoke,
I make minimum wage and don't even get full time.
FML, I need to learn to not give a fuck and enjoy my time here.