mooshy mashy wish wash
zoom zambga zeezle
Moozle miffer nicky noo
nanna bibby noogle shoe
Ferra bingy quiddlety pish
varshy craggle niggish dinksh
I am unemployed
I quit smoking (Havent had one since the ferry ride back from Idaho)
I'm going to bed. (lies)
I wish.
You know that feeling?
you are in a horrible place or situation, and letting go just seems so impossible, and the thought of curling up in a ball under the blue blanket and escaping or hiding from ... (reality?) is a vast and fleeting comfort, tainted by its contrast to what is, and how inescapable it is.
That feeling?
Yup. Hey. I havent posted in a while.
Shit Happens
Memory for and of you, David Pozar.
djlkjffsdbvljkfvb lfivbgtzfiudvdlfklbvdtbgvuaerhvl;sdfhvclj jaBV;fc;nv;anbrdljvbflXZCB ie dfhilvb b.lznbl;naSRBDI hg;iuozbDZFVASAEDFQoiefvhifoxh
Sorry for posting.
Back to.... as yet unjustified existance